Chalfont & Evreham Judokwai |
Chalfont Championship
Sunday 23rd February 2025
We have received a lot of questions in regard to our championships and so this page has been put together with some of the most frequent ones asked. The most important part is that we want you to all have a good time, whether spectating or competiting!
Q: What are the weight categories for the lower novice ability?
A: There are no specific weights. When the contestants are weighed in, the software automatically sorts them into weight order and then we peel them off in groups of four so that everyone in the novice level gets a medal. The software highlights where there is a potential weight mis-match and we take great care to ensure that the contests are done safely and fairly.
Q: I cannot find the weight / grade categories on the Championship Information Sheet?
A: You are correct. The weights and categories are as the BJC Contest Rules 2019.
They are calculated on the fly by the software which for the novice categories, will create where possible, pools of four (so that everyone gets a medal). There may be some pools of three. If we can not make a three, we will advise those by themselves or with just one contest to either withdraw or accept amalagamtion if it complies with the BJC Weight Mis-match guidelines.
For the more advanced categories, entrants can be more than four. Again, the software allocates within the proscribed weight groups, appropriate categories.
Q: Can we enter the competitors and pay on the day please?
A: In order to be fair to everyone, because we are likely to have more people entering than we have available places for an efficiently run competition, we are asking people to pay for their ticket in advance. The reason is that we have had people that enter but do not pay and then fail to attend on the day which thereby denies others the opportunity.
Q: Is this event open to BJA licensed players?
A: Absolutely! Around 50% of those that attend are from the BJA. We normally get a large contingent from High Wycombe.
Q: We are part of All England Judo Federation and train/compete under their licenses, which have full insurance for judo. Would you accept our club to enter the Chalfont Championship?
A: Yes! AJEF insurance is approved so members of this organisation are welcome to enter and contest.
Q: My son is a yellow belt with three orange stripes and 11 years old, does he qualify for the 'Rumble' category? The reason I am doublechecking is because I obviously would not like him fighting boys who weigh in under 45kg and are green belts and could possibly be 15 years old.
A: If there are enough entries we will further split the categories into age bands. But as a general rule, we will not be placing Yellow belts with Green and higher. We certainly would not be placing him with the combination of higher grades AND elder.
Rest assured that we look at the entries and aim to make up fair and equitable categories so that everyone has a reasonable opportunity to shine. This is not a major competition. It is local event where the aim is for the contestants to gain experience and enjoy the competitive environment. They will not do that if their time on the mat is a few seconds of being canon fodder for some national champion.
Q: My son is a 10 year old BJC primary white with two greens and weighs 51Kg what group would he be in please?
A: He would be in the Juniors 10-15. However, do not worry about his age. I will make allowance for this. I am not about to have a 10 year old fighting a 14 year old even if their weights are the same. So he may find himself in the low grade (Yellow and White belts) or he may (if his birthday makes him less than 10.5) find himself back in the Primaries.
If I find that I can't match him up with an appropriate group, you will be informed before the event and your money will be refunded.
Q: Just wanted to drop you an email as I intend to be completing a “Club Registration” for our club. However I don’t expect to have all the details until next Friday morning 20th March (we train on Thursday Nights) – I hope this will be okay, please can you confirm, I am just worried about entry deadlines!
A: No, that is all fine. Thank you for your support. Registration is open until 3pm on the 13th June.